Orange County/Newport Beach and Costa Mesa

a bottle of lavender essential oil is sitting on a white towel next to a bunch of lavender flowers .



Gwendolyn Raine, Retired police officer

"I am a cancer survivor of 8 years. I am not in remission. At the beginning of this journey, I believe I was at the end of my life. There was bone loss, with severe sciatic pain, hair loss, severe nutritional imbalance and lack of physical balance, with numerous falling incidents. I met a beautiful, knowledgeable and caring human being, by the name of Rumi Rose Currie. A certified Bowen Therapist, of Rose Bowen Therapy, a Neuromuscular Therapist and a Biophotonic Scanner operator.


Rumi worked on my body with Bowen Therapy, due to difficulties walking and the sciatic pain. Because of her extensive knowledge with massage therapy and using Bowen Therapy, she brought me to a state of almost pain free. I am not waking in the middle of the night with horrible spasms in my legs and back. 

Rumi used her Biophotonic Skin Carotenoid knowledge (the body’s antioxidant defense system measurement), and measured the carotenoids present in my skin and the reading showed in the lowest of the orange reading, just one above the lowest the body can read and you are not dead!!!!!. Meaning, I was probably near death if I came down with any illness, i.e., COVID. I started Bowen treatments once a week, a new multi-vitamin regime, along with added nutritional supplements. My initial carotenoid readings jumped from 25000 scs (Skin Carotenoid Score) to 33000 scs, within one month. I had been experiencing mental slowness, forgetfulness, muscle fatigue, neuropathy in my feet and skin rashes. 

Within that month, I noticed my balance was back, my memory had returned, my energy level was in abundance, my workouts were longer and less fatigued after my workouts. The neuropathy seemed to be almost gone and my skin begin to repair itself. My hair became thicker and growing; along with my nails growing. My energy level increased, and my cancer symptoms have begun to diminish (the tumors felt smaller, and my pain level diminished to almost zero pain. I am overjoyed with the day I learned of the Rose Bowen Therapy. Thank you Rumi Currie!! You saved my quality of life.

Jean, Loyal Client

"Hello my name is Jean, I highly recommend Rumi’s Holistic services. I have been a repeat client of Rumi’s for some time now. I trust Rumi with my overall well-being. She is kind and very professional during my visits.

The Bowen Therapy technique and other massage techniques she uses, have freed me from chronic pain, which I carried for 10+ years. I also had her check my vitamins and minerals with Biophotonic Scanner. To my surprise my score was low and in the red! With Rumi’s nutrition consultation my score is now up 10,000 points.

I have had Rumi perform a full body scan with Energy Vibrational Frequency Healing technique. With the results I received a foods list and consult. She has cleared many blockages and helped me with getting a good night’s sleep. I also want to mention, Rumi has also cleared a lifelong constipation problem my 78 yr. old Mom had using Energy Vibrational Frequency Healing.

With Rumi’s recommendations, I have also incorporated doTERRA essential oils into my life for issues I have/had, with amazing results. I love this chemical free and non-toxic approach to wellness! I feel so much better mentally, emotionally, physically, in just a few months! I am not dealing with chronic pain; I have more energy and focus throughout my day.

I also want to mention that Rumi is a Reiki Master. It was my first experience with Reiki. I felt love and compassion during my session. She has aided me in clearing deep sadness I did not realize I had. Been carrying. I asked her for another Reiki session to balance, ground and connect with my higher self.

The Holistic services Rumi Rose offers and her professional recommendations will aid you in living your best life if you participate!"

VICTOR ORTIZ, Elite Athlete

After 20+ years of progressively worsening chronic back pain, I found my miracle in the healing hands of Rumi. I was very skeptical at first, as I had already tried numerous therapies, medicines, pain management courses, lifestyle changes, diet, and exercise routines that all had minimal, short term, and/or “band-aid” effects. After consulting with Rumi, she, without hesitation said, “I can help you.” I almost laughed because no one has been able to consistently relieve my pain in over 20 years of trial and error.  However, I gave her therapy a chance. Would it last or be another temporary band aid? I’m telling you,I nearly cried when I finally found real, tangible pain relief after my Bowen sessions with Rumi. Well, it’s been well over a year since we began and I am still amazed in the lasting, beneficial effects and relief that I have received thru this unique technique and the skilled hands of Rumi. I’m no longer a skeptic, but rather, a pain free testimony of what this holistic approach can do without medication and where all other therapies & approaches fell short and/or failed.  There’s no better feeling than being able to sleep thru the night and wake up pain free, to do the activities I love again, and to do it all without meds. I highly recommend you bring whatever pain, ailment, injury or discomfort you may have, consult with Rumi and allow her to use her Bowen techniques to make a believer out of you too. Your healthier life awaits you!

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