Orange County/Newport Beach and Costa Mesa

Logosound Therapy

About Logosound Therapy and OUr Other Services

In our daily lives, we often experience various adverse events and worries. And with the overabundance of information available on television and the internet, it's easy to lose sight of our core. We offer an innovative service to help our clients balance their mind, body, and spirit in the modern age. Our goal is to assist people in regaining peace of mind and harmony in the body.


Healing with the Logosound System

The core of our service is the healing experience using the "LOGOSOUNDSYSTEM". This system recreates specific frequencies striving for state of zero point gravity. Using “bone conduction theory” which allows the right and left brains to absorb information through sound and acoustic-vibrational energy creating an environment that mimics meditation. This innovative technology allows you to experience deep relaxation and healing effects simply by lying on bed.

Guiding to a Neutral Deep Relaxation

Our specially designed bed vibrates directly to the spine, which connects the brain (consciousness) and the body relaxing the brain guiding the entire body and consciousness to a neutral state. The bed is equipped with large, high-performance transducers that produce deep bass sounds mimicking the Earth's frequencies. These deep vibrations reach the subtle parts of the mind and body returning your body and consciousness to their original, balanced, and optimal state.

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Why Choose Our Services?


With these features, our clinic supports balancing the mind, body, and spirit addressing various challenges found in daily life. Utilizing the rare vibroacoustic bed and other treatments, we assist in your health recovery with our unique treatment methods.

Introduction of Rare Vibroacoustic Beds

We are intr a rare vibroacoustic bed from Japan, one of only a few available in United States. By utilizing this special bed, we have created an earthing clinic (a therapy that resets the body by grounding it).

Addressing a Wide Range of Issues

We address a wide variety of mental and physical issues, including PTSD, ADS, ADHD, women-specific PMS, and menopausal disorders, by incorporating approaches to the autonomic nervous system, leading to quicker and more certain restoration to a healthy state.

Approach to the Autonomic Nervous System

Our clinic improves mental and physical ailments through a unique approach to the autonomic nervous system. This approach allows patients to recover their health more quickly.

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