Orange County/Newport Beach and Costa Mesa

Heal your body, mind, and spirit

Holistic health clinic for your self-care needs

Are you suffering with acute to chronic pain issues? Are you feeling mentally and spiritually drained? If so, Rose Bowen Therapy Clinic is here to provide you with a Holistic approach to help heal and balance your emotional, mental, spiritual wellbeing with the help of our professional team. 



We invite individuals of all ages. To access our wide ranges of services either at our clinic or at your home, please contact us to discuss treatment needs and availability!

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Pain management, Stress relief and Deep relaxation

Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive and very gentle technique. It is a extremely effective remedial hands on healing treatment that works on the soft connective tissue ( fascia) on the body.


Bowen Therapy for Babies children (0-12) $80

Pain management, Stress relief and Deep relaxation

Bowen Therapy for Babies Children (0-12) is a non-invasive and very gentle technique. It is a extremely effective remedial hands on healing treatment that works on the soft connective tissue ( fascia) on the body.


Posture Correction Therapy $100 ($400 for 5 sessions)

Poor posture, bad habits, and distortions can cause physical pain and discomfort. All muscles in the body are connected. Just because your shoulder hurts don’t necessarily mean that the cause of the pain is in your shoulder. We will examine your entire body to pinpoint the cause of your problem and help you improve the root cause. We loosen stiff muscles, strengthen muscles that need to be strengthened through exercise, and provide each client with the necessary stretches each day. By maintaining the correct posture, you will maintain a healthy body that will not return to pain or discomfort.


Energy Vibration Frequency Therapy


Energy Frequency Healing (1 hr.) $120 Body-Mind-spirit Therapy “Everything is Energy”. We use the quantum principle of Bio resonance. It is a non-invasive and painless energy technique with no side effects. Bio resonance therapy uses a machine to measure the frequency of energy wavelengths coming from the body and find any blockages in your meridians. Then we use frequency (energy) to unblock the blockages in meridians to restore self-regulation and self-healing.


Oncology and Remedial


$120 (90 min)

We use a testing tool that non-invasively measures Carotenoid levels in living tissue, which provides an immediate indication of your overall antioxidant levels. In less than 1 minute you can find out if your diet, lifestyle, and supplements are providing the antioxidant protection you need for promoting health.



30 mins | $60

With Aroma Touch healing | $150

With Head massage | $120

The bed is used to relax the brain and bring the entire body and consciousness to a neutral state, restoring the body and consciousness to the optimal state of balance that they should be. The entire body is relaxed from the center of the body to a state of deep relaxation.


Our healing services

  • Energy Vibration Frequency Therapy

    1 hr | $120

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    Holistic Health Practitioner | Bowen Therapist

    I am the owner and practitioner of Rose Bowen Therapy - Holistic Health Clinic. I specialize in pain management. I am a trained certified Bowen Technique practitioner, Neuromuscular therapist, and Health Educator. My passion is to help people heal and live their best life.

    My clients will receive exceptional care, specialized treatment plan that will better their lives. My therapy is unique, because I am a Reiki Master.  I provide healing energy with Reiki, plus extra relaxation.  Please contact our clinic to learn more about the treatment options available for your needs!



    "I am a cancer survivor of 8 years. I am not in remission. At the beginning of this journey, I believe I was at the end of my life. There was bone loss, with severe sciatic pain, hair loss, severe nutritional imbalance and lack of physical balance, with numerous falling incidents. I met a beautiful, knowledgeable and caring human being, by the name of Rumi Rose Currie. A certified Bowen Therapist, of Rose Bowen Therapy, a Neuromuscular Therapist and a Biophotonic Scanner operator.


    Rumi worked on my body with Bowen Therapy, due to difficulties walking and the sciatic pain. Because of her extensive knowledge with massage therapy and using Bowen Therapy, she brought me to a state of almost pain free. I am not waking in the middle of the night with horrible spasms in my legs and back."

    Gwendolyn Raine, Retired police officer

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